
Finding the connection in customer conversations key to success for Egyptian...

The wave of Digital Transformation sweeping across Egypt is rapidly advancing the maturity and competitiveness of the businesses in the country. At the epicentre of this evolution has been the country’s telecom...

AI in insurance: Building on the customer-first approach

The emergence and fast-growing adoption of digital platforms, mobile apps, and big data have resulted in customers demanding quicker and more effective service than ever before. Today consumers have high expectations...

How data-driven digital service models can prevent end-user downtime

Central to any Digital Transformation strategy is meeting the needs of a new distributed workforce. Here, Karlton Gray, Channel Director, Schneider Electric, UK and Ireland, discusses changing business models, the...

Five tips for channel partners to help clients build a business case for...

Application performance monitoring (APM) is the collection of tools and processes designed to help IT professionals ensure that the applications users work with meet performance standards and provide a valuable user...

The benefits of a partner programme for technology enterprises

Smart businesses know the value of partnerships. Research shows that organisations that outperform others have been found to spend more time (23%) on the practice, irrespective of their size and operating sector....

Innovations that will reshape business in Kenya in the future

As global spending on Digital Transformation is projected to reach US$1.78 trillion in 2022, James Bayhack, Director, Sub-Saharan Africa at, looks at innovations that will reshape the business landscape in...

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