Orange Business Services appoints leadership team to drive business in newly created IMEAR region

Orange Business Services appoints leadership team to drive business in newly created IMEAR region

Luc Serviant, Vice President Middle East & Africa, Orange Business Services.

Orange Business Services has formed a new IMEAR region, combining established business operations, including Indirect (SITA Business Unit), Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Russia-CIS. The new regional organisation will include three regional headquarters in Dubai, Johannesburg and Moscow.

Richard van Wageningen will lead the IMEAR region as Senior Vice President out of Moscow, grouping the growing markets of Russia, the Middle East and Africa, and the indirect business in the Air Transport industry. The newly formed region creates an opportunity to share best practices in key areas such as smart cities.

Leading Orange Business Services activities in Russia and CIS since 2013, Richard Van Wageningen has extensive management experience in telecommunications and IT companies, service providers and equipment vendors. He has worked in various countries, including Saudi Arabia, Russia, Portugal and the Netherlands.

Luc Serviant expands his role as Vice President, Middle East and Africa, reporting to Richard and based in Dubai. He retains his responsibility for the Middle East, North Africa and Turkey, adding responsibility for the Africa business after the retirement of Giorgio Heiman. Luc has over 25 years of experience in marketing and implementing IT solutions within the enterprise sector, focusing on strategic planning and people management responsibilities.

In response to the wave of digital transformation that is changing the business landscape for enterprises, for government bodies and for service providers across the whole region, Orange Business Services is helping companies harness the power of digital technologies and IT solutions to create new business models that capture new revenue streams and empower employees to achieve more.

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