How OPSWAT is building the channel to protect critical infrastructure

How OPSWAT is building the channel to protect critical infrastructure

Alessandro Porro, Vice President Global Channels, OPSWAT

Critical national infrastructure is often compromised by outdated systems, complex network of suppliers, human error, lack of professional training that can have a cascading effect on overall security posture, demanding the presence of specialized channel partners and zero trust solutions.

Critical infrastructure often relies on outdated legacy systems, introducing vulnerabilities that require upgrading which can prove to be expensive and challenging. This reluctance leaves them open to potential attacks. Human error and a lack of professional cybersecurity training within IT and operational technology, OT teams further heightens vulnerabilities.

The intricate network of suppliers and vendors supporting critical infrastructure adds another layer of risk; the compromise of any component can have cascading effects on overall security. These combined factors underscore the heightened susceptibility of critical infrastructure to potential threats.

Zero trust approach

OPSWAT stands at the forefront of global cybersecurity solutions, specializing in perimeter defence for OT and industrial control systems in critical infrastructure environments. Tailored for sectors like manufacturing, energy, and defence, OPSWAT offers a comprehensive product portfolio featuring over 20 zero-trust solutions.

OPSWAT products are purpose-built to protect both IT and OT environments while integrating them together, helping alleviate the challenges of protecting the complex and often-outdated products in OT environments.

OPSWAT’s product portfolio is a testament to its commitment to advancing cybersecurity and enabling critical infrastructure organisations to confront the evolving landscape of digital threats.

OPSWAT products are powered by its patented, zero-trust technologies within the MetaDefender advanced threat prevention platform. Tailored to safeguard organisations against sophisticated cyber threats originating from diverse sources like the web, email, portable media devices, and endpoints, MetaDefender plays a pivotal role in fortifying cybersecurity defences.

Flagship protection

Given the myriad of attack vectors faced by digitally connected organisations, especially large enterprises with extensive workforces, the OPSWAT MetaDefender platform provides comprehensive defence controls for critical national infrastructure and OT environments.

It addresses potential threats embedded in data transfer channels such as file uploads, portable media devices, and email attachments, mitigating risks that could harm an organisation’s reputation, financial stability, and, for critical infrastructure, jeopardise sensitive equipment and facilities.

At the core is the MetaDefender platform, employing advanced technologies like Deep Content Disarm and Reconstruction, Proactive Data Loss Prevention, File-Based Vulnerability Assessment, Multiscanning, and Sandbox and Threat Intelligence. This suite of technologies ensures a multifaceted defence strategy, making MetaDefender an asset in the protection of critical systems and national infrastructure.

With a focus on control systems and critical national infrastructure protection, OPSWAT’s specific OT offerings include:

  • MetaDefender IT-OT Access: Simplifying network access and endpoint compliance, it ensures secure remote access for OT endpoints.
  • MetaDefender Kiosk: Serving as a digital security guard, our kiosk scans removable media to prevent threats to critical networks.
  • MetaDefender Managed File Transfer: Facilitating secure, automated file transfers with enhanced encryption and quarantine features.
  • MetaDefender Media Firewall: A plug-and-play solution securing host systems from cyber threats originating from portable media.
  • MetaDefender Industrial Firewall and IPS: A transparent OSI Layer-2 bridge protecting industrial endpoints in real-time.
  • MetaDefender OT Security: Providing continuous visibility into OT assets and networks, monitoring for threats, vulnerabilities, and ensuring compliance.

Solution stack

OPSWAT solutions are targeted at perimeter defence for OT, and industrial control systems, in critical infrastructure environments. Identifying and gaining access to the decision maker for these core solutions is fundamental for OPSWAT channel partners.

Says Alessandro Porro, Vice President Global Channels, OPSWAT, “The decision maker for such solutions would be the chief security officer, or the individual in a leadership security position at a particular facility within an organisation that has responsibility for OT. The ideal engagement strategy is to foster a discussion with regards to what is the customer’s current security posture and strategy.”

The solution stack covers MetaDefender IT-OT Access, MetaDefender Kiosk, MetaDefender Managed File Transfer, MetaDefender Media Firewall:, MetaDefender Industrial Firewall and IPS, and MetaDefender OT Security. The solutions are offered, licensed both as annual subscriptions and as perpetual models.

Partner programme

Through OPSWAT Academy, the company is also helping to close the cybersecurity skills gap by offering practical firsthand training to help professionals understand how to overcome the challenges of protecting critical national infrastructure.

OPSWAT channel partners are expected to complete the full programme onboarding process. This includes completing specific OT-focused tracks through the OPSWAT Academy, at no cost, as well as parallel training steps conducted live by the OPSWAT Team.

OPSWAT channel partners are offered the opportunity to strategize, create a mutual business plan in order to attain related goals with structure and process.

Channel partners in the OPSWAT Partner Programme receive attractive discounts and incentives of various types, which vary by tier, including co-selling, upselling multiple solutions.

As part of that, OPSWAT dedicates multiple in-region resources, such as channel managers, regional sales managers, pre-sales engineers, marketing managers, and technical support teams. These are all supported centrally, including comprehensive strategies of brand awareness and demand generation.

For resolute channel partners completing the OPSWAT process of training and certification, the increasing demand from enterprises wanting to secure their critical assets, will only continue to grow.

The OPSWAT game plan

  • Critical infrastructure often relies on outdated legacy systems, introducing vulnerabilities.
  • Human error and lack of professional cybersecurity training within IT and OT teams heighten vulnerabilities.
  • OPSWAT products are purpose-built to protect both IT and OT environments, integrating them together.
  • OPSWAT offers over 20 zero-trust solutions for sectors like manufacturing, energy, defence.
  • OPSWAT MetaDefender platform provides defence controls for critical national infrastructure, OT environments.
  • OPSWAT solutions are targeted at perimeter defence for OT and industrial control systems in critical infrastructure environments.
  • Identifying and gaining access to the decision maker for these core solutions is fundamental for OPSWAT channel partners.
  • The decision maker for such solutions would be Chief Security Officer or individual that has responsibility for OT.
  • The ideal engagement strategy is to foster a discussion with regards to what is the customer’s current security posture and strategy.
  • OPSWAT channel partners are offered solutions as annual subscriptions and perpetual models.
  • OPSWAT channel partners are expected to complete the onboarding process.
  • Certification includes OT-focused tracks through the OPSWAT Academy as well as parallel training steps.
  • OPSWAT channel partners are offered the opportunity to create a mutual business plan to attain related goals.
  • OPSWAT Channel partners in the partner programme receive discounts and incentives which vary by tier.

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