Editor’s Comment: How to ensure organisations are using AI and automation effectively

Editor’s Comment: How to ensure organisations are using AI and automation effectively

Sid Bhatia, Regional Director – Middle East, Dataiku, explains how to make sure that organisations are tailoring Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation to their business in meaningful ways.

Enterprise AI is the ability to embed AI methodology – which combines the human capacities for learning, perception and interaction, all at a level of complexity that ultimately supersedes our own abilities – into the very core of an organisation’s data strategy.

Enterprise AI isn’t just a trend or something to be leveraged for one-off projects and use cases. The ability to become a true AI enterprise by successfully scaling and employing robust data methodology at all levels of the company is an organisational asset pivotal to the success of businesses of the future, no matter what industry.

In other words, companies that start today and are able to build their capacity to leverage Enterprise AI now, are building the foundation for the future of the business. This future is one where only companies augmenting human capital with AI survive.

How does Enterprise AI happen?

At Dataiku, we’ve seen a lot of businesses struggle to get started on their Enterprise AI journey over the years and we’ve also seen some that have thrived. The companies that succeed are the ones that go beyond leveraging Enterprise AI for one particular project or use case, and instead focus on scaling it out to a level that will sustain the business in the future.

Scaled Enterprise AI companies manage to build a foundation for data science, Machine Learning and AI at an organisational level. In addition, they:

  • Bring all people together around AI efforts, from business people to analysts and data scientists. Enterprise AI companies leverage horizontal (team-wide) and vertical (cross-team) collaboration.
  • Iterate rapidly on a spectrum of data applications, whether that means building out a self-serve analytics platform or fully operationalised AI integrated with business processes.
  • Prioritise responsible AI, including sound governance practices and sustainable systems that will be agile and open to changing technological needs. With future exponential growth in the number of AI projects, the number of people contributing to such projects, and the number and size of data in such projects, elasticity amidst enterprise AI companies is critical.

Your path to Enterprise AI

Dataiku DSS is one of the world’s leading AI and Machine Learning platforms, democratising access to data and enabling enterprises to build their own path to AI. Dataiku believes that those companies who succeed in deploying and scaling AI will do so by ingraining a culture of working with data throughout the enterprise instead of siloing it into a specific team or role.

Dataiku DSS is:

  • End-to-end with one simple UI for data wrangling, mining, visualisation, Machine Learning, deployment and monitoring.
  • Collaborative, with a team-based user interface accessible to anyone on a data team, from data scientist to business analyst.

Operationally ready, with the ability to go from design to production smoothly.

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